Visita a Digital House
El proyecto institucional del BDS incluye el desarrollo de las más variadas competencias digitales (digital literacy), desde edades tempranas, así como también la práctica de experiencias directas que vinculen teoría y práctica. En ese marco, el pasado miércoles 18 de mayo, alumnos de algunas materias electivas de S5 y S6 asistieron al campus de Digital House, primer “Coding School” del país, junto con las docentes de IT, Noel Peyret, Karin Sebok, Mora Jacobacci, Nilda Caamaño y Claudio Fregeiro, Jefe de año de Senior y Jefe del Dpto. de Ciencias.
Después de una cálida recepción, recorrieron las instalaciones acompañados por personal de DH y participaron de dos charlas y una clase. La primera, sobre Marketing Digital, estuvo a cargo de Victor Rottenstein. La de Introducción al desarrollo web, la dictó Dario Susnisky. Finalmente, Francisco Anello los introdujo en el futuro del trabajo y las tecnologías digitales, un tema de especial interés para nuestros futuros Bachilleres.
Algunas ideas clave del encuentro fueron la importancia de pasar de usar tecnología a crearla; de transformar «pensadores» en «creadores» y de colaborar en la formación de nuevas generaciones de profesionales digitales.
Los alumnos dicen
Manuel: «It was a very interesting experience where we got to learn about coding and online marketing. The speakers were very entertaining and kept us engaged all the time. They showed us things about the Internet that we did not know!«
Michael: «Our experience in Digital House was very good. I went with an open mind and I left very pleased with the lesson. We were taught how to use coding to edit a site which was something I had never done. The speeches were very entertaining and informative. I recommend it to anyone who has a chance to go. I will think in the future of applying to one of these lessons«.
Ana: «I went to DH without knowing what to expect. I knew that it was a coding school but I didn’t know what we were going to do. Once there, we had a tour of the campus and participated in three talks, one of them about coding, where we got to code our way to a site which we got to edit as we pleased. Of course, we had some limitations for we didn’t know everything about coding, but it was fun anyway. I am thinking about going to one of the courses in the future for it seemed very fun and I’ve always wanted to take coding lessons but never found the right place«.
Priscila: «The visit was a very interesting and fun experience, in which we got to meet some of the teachers who work there. All teachers were fun and kind, which helped improve the atmosphere making it more comfortable. Although not all the building was finished, the sector that they introduced us to was clean and gave off a feeling of a good place to study.»