Round Square Conference: repercusiones

Comencemos por los más chicos. La Junior delegation que nos representó en Hackley, NYFranco Álvarez, Nicolás Scravaglieri y Lucía Tissera (todos, M1) compartieron sus experiencias y fotos en el Assembly de ayer de Middle & Senior.  Al ser de los más jóvenes de la Sección, su exposición en inglés y su soltura adquieren todavía más relevancia. Agradecemos las fotos a la tutora de M1, Prof. Fernanda Lozano (Science). Congrats, young ambassadors & Miss Ceci Echaburu, for representing BDS so well!

Por otra parte, en relación con la versión Senior de la Conference de la que fuimos anfitriones, la CEO de Round Square, MsRachael Westgarth, envió unas líneas de felicitación a través del Prof. Page:


Please forgive the delay in my reply. Whilst you were busy with your conference I was busy speaking at others and have only recently returned to the UK.

Congratulations on a fantastic conference.

I did follow you on social media whilst I was travelling and have had glowing reports from Duncan and others about how fabulous and very “Round Square” your conference was.

It looks and sounds like it was a total triumph and I am sorry to have missed it.

I hope you are delighted with the outcomes and are taking something of a breather (in amongst the ongoing ‘day job’ now that all is done.

With all best wishes,

Rachael Westgarth
CEO – Round Square

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