Matemática: final olímpica en Tanti, Córdoba
Fue el propio Coordinador Académico del BDS y Director de Middle & Senior Schools, el Prof. Steven Page, quien acompañó a los finalistas en este viaje y nos acerca la información:
«During the week of Monday 5 November, Belgrano Day School was represented by its students Daniel Figueroa Roche (M2) and Hee Jung Lee (S5) at the National Finals held in Tanti, Province of Córdoba. The students underwent two gruelling tests of three and a half hours each, in which they had to respond to 6 problems. Naturally, this level -the last of 5 rounds that through the year filter out students of lesser ability- is extremely demanding and competitive. Both boys did very well, their best. Hee, as in 2011, received an Honorary Mention. Both boys were a pleasure to travel with and my congratulations go to both of them, their parents and to their teachers of Mathematics who helped in their preparation».