Innovation in Middle & Senior

Informa la piscopedagoga Jessica Giordano (Middle & Senior):

«Así comenzó nuestro Study Club hoy (por ayer): curiosidad, entusiasmo, alegría y mucha dedicación por parte de nuestros Peer Tutors. ¡Excelente! ¡Hasta el próximo miércoles!»

El aprendizaje y la práctica entre pares es un verdadero win-win: quien explica y comparte lo que sabe afianza su propio aprendizaje y destrezas y quien recibe la ayuda tiene una motivación especial, dado el vínculo y la cercanía con su «Tutor».

Kinestehetic & Tactile Learning Activities (Biology M3A) – A «Maker» Space!

1) Kinesthetic learners need to move. They wiggle, tap, swing their legs, bounce, and often just can’t seem to sit still. They learn through their bodies and their sense of touch.

2) They have excellent “physical” memory – they learn quickly and permanently what they DO as they are learning.

3) Kinesthetic Leaners are often gifted in athletics, dancing, and other physical activities.

4) They are generally very coordinated and have an excellent sense of their body in space and of body timing. They have great hand-eye coordination and quick reactions.

5) Tactile learners are closely related to kinesthetic learners. The tactile style is more moderate involving fine motor movements rather than whole body movement.

6) They learn primarily through the sense of touch.

7) They learn best through hands-on activities

8) They express their learning best with projects they make such as mini-books, games, model making, building blocks, art materials, math manipulatives, and so forth.

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