English news

1008_englishuruguay.jpgMás allá de la derrota que en la final sufriera el equipo Junior de Debate frente a su par del Colegio Champagnat — derrota que finalmente no es tal, ya que se consagraron subcampeones de la ASDF-  octubre cerró con importantes novedades en el área.  Dos de los poemas sobre el tema «Summer Vacations» que concursaban en el Poetry Contest organizado por la editorial Young Writers del Reino Unido resultaron premiados.

Se trata de los trabajos de Florencia Bortman y Gloria Kim (ambas, de M2B), que próximamente serán publicados en una antología internacional de autores jóvenes. Felicitamos a las poetas y a sus docentes. También la prosa de alumnos del BDS fue premiada, como se reseña en la nota Letras que laten, voces que vuelan.  

Essarp Center. Professional Development
En otro orden de cosas, la Coordinadora de Inglés de Primary, Prof. Marcela Cerini, informa acerca de algunas actividades destacadas de nuestro staff:

«On 30th September and 1st October Rachel Kurtzman, Tamara Kostoff , Karina López, Cecilia Echaburu , Alina Tomino, Kevin Graham  and myself attended three workshops delivered by Sharon Pond and Tess Bayly.  They are Resource teachers on literacy in New Zealand . The role of the resource teacher is to provide itinerant , specialized literacy support for Year 0-8 students who are at risk of failing to learn to read and write. The workshops were:

  • 1- Tailoring Teaching to meet the needs of the Child.
  • 2- Supporting the at Risk Reader.
  • 3- Storytelling: a powerful tool inn the development of literacy skills.

«This training will positively contribute to reflect on our literacy practices and think how to help each student become literate».

The Uruguay experience
Marcela, quien el mes pasado fuera invitada por CIE a disertar en Montevideo, Uruguay, sobre «How to address bilingualism in the CIPP classroom«, a partir de su experiencia de implementación del CIPP en el
BDS, volvió  este mes a cruzar el Río de la Plata, esta vez junto con Luz Cerini, Kindergarten Headmistress, para participar del Literacy Education Congress organizado por Woodlands School. Así nos lo cuentan:

The lecturers were Dr.  Libby Limbrick, Sharon Pond and Tess Bayly from New Zealand  who talked about the literacy principles and practices in this country which has  had consistently high literacy achievement in international surveys and the attitudes to reading are more positive than in other countries. There were both Spanish and English teachers in the congress as these literacy practices are effective in the  teaching of any language.  Moreove , we were invited to observe The Kindergarten and Primary Sections at Woodlands School, a bilingual school  in Carrasco where these New Zealand  literacy practices are being implemented.  We could speak to teachers, observe lessons and join in some meetings with Dr. Libby Limbrick (…) All in all, a great experience to enrich our own literacy programme at BDS.

La foto que ilustra esta nota las muestra a Marcela (2ª a la izquierda) y a Luz (1ª a la derecha) con sus colegas del Woodlands School de Carrasco y Dr. Libby Limbrick, de New Zealand.

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