El BDS en el Congreso anual de COORDIEP y en el ESSARP Conference

El 3, 4 y 5 de septiembre se realizó en Córdoba el X Encuentro Federal de Escuelas Públicas de Gestión Privada, organizado por Coordiep y Asociaciones Adherentes, sobre “La evaluación: camino hacia la calidad educativa”.  Los disertantes fueron Miguel Angel Santos Guerra (Catedrático de la Universidad de Málaga), el Lic. Carlos Torrendell, profesor de Políticas Educativas de la U.C.A., el Dr. Alieto Guadagni -quien hace poco fuera nuestro invitado de honor en Prize Giving Day– , el Prof. Isabelino Siede y el Lic. Gustavo Iaies.

Todos ellos se refirieron a diversos aspectos de la educación en tiempos de cambio, cuando los valores fundamentales son cuestionados, las decisiones didácticas y las intervenciones docentes no siempre se adecuan a las nuevas circunstancias, se ha roto la alianza tradicional entre los padres y la escuela y algunos estados resultan ineficientes en el enfoque de la problemática.

Asistieron al encuentro en representación del BDS Silvia Thomas (Rectora, Middle & Senior, a quien agradecemos la información), Janet Lenton (Directora de Primary) y Carolina Goin (Coordinadora de Primaria / Castellano).

ESSARP Conference 2012

Agradecemos el siguiente informe a Luz Cerini, Kindergarten Headmistress.

«On September 1st and 2nd, Heads and staff from all three sections  attended the annual Conference organized by Essarp, this time on the topic “Educating for a Changing World”.  It was a great opportunity to reflect on what is going on in a wider context, beyond local experiences.

Given the speed of change it is practically impossible to predict the future, but we know that current students will face a very different scenario from today’s, and the programme -carried out by internationally renowned speakers, catered for various aspects of educational change. Among other talks, it included:

  • What can the world learn from educational change in Finland?, and
  • Quality and equity in Finnish  schools. Considerations for policy and practice, by Pasi Sahlberg.
  • Assesment for the 21st Century
  • A learning Lab: Upgrading Each Classroom with the new Literacies: Digital, Media and Global,  and
  • Future schools Now, by Heidi Hayes Jacobs.
  • Influential Leadership. Lessons from Julius Cesar, by Ben Walden.
  • Developing Skills, knowledge and attributes to equip students for life in our changing world, by John Guy.
  • Communicating on screen. New literacies, new challenges, new identities, by  Claudia Ferradas.

Some ideas we reflected upon:

  • «We must be the change of what we want to inspire in others».  M. Gandhi
  • What should we cut,  what should we keep and what should we create in order to change and prepare our learners for the future?
  • Equity in education: every child must have an opportunity to be successful.
  • Develop imagination: Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  • «Metalearning». Making sense of one’s own learning. Learning to learn .
  • Learning technologies are resources, not our competitors!
  • Rethink daily the use of time.
  • We should let children play… and never stop reading stories to them…

All in all, the Conference was a great opportunity to listen and to learn from one another… and indeed a highly meaningful experience.»

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