Round Square Singapore Conference: Tuesday 6 October
Today should have been service day for the WHOLE school and for the foreign delegates. Unfortunately a bad haze in the sky, caused by large scale tree burning in nearby Sumatra and a prevailing wind that brought the air contamination ever closer, made the school cancel their massive plans for the day. UWCSEA students therefore had classes while the delegates and lead pupils worked inside school helping Primary and Junior School pupils with their service projects. Others helped young handicapped children, who visit the school weekly, with physical education while Franco and Ignacio were busy with a group of elderly citizens talking and playing games.
An omission from a previous report was that on Sunday afternoon Federico Johansen gave a service presentation to Round Square Heads and reps about our Germinare experience (Note: see slides). It was well received and a number of schools questioned Federico afterwards. His talk was one of four; the others coming from projects in China and India…well done Federico.
NEW! Below, the album of who our students have lived with these last few days i.e. host child, brothers/sisters, parents, plus the other foreign visitor/s.