Round Square: liderazgo y proyección global

Además de haber encarado el Proyecto BriDgeS y el desarrollo conjunto de la Educación en Valores y la Acción Social, el Belgrano Day School se ha postulado recientemente para asociarse como miembro de la organización mundial Round Square , que nuclea una serie de colegios con fines y objetivos en común, tales como:  proyección internacional, conciencia ambiental, sentido democrático, liderazgo y espíritu de aventura y de servicio. “Empowering youth to become committed responsible global citizens” – reza la homepage de la organización.

Completada la application, el Vicedirector General, Federico Johansen, y el Coordinador Académico, Steven Page, han sido invitados a viajar en los próximos días a Lima, Perú, para visitar el Markham College — único “full member” de Round Square en Sudamérica- para compartir experiencias y considerar la mejor manera de avanzar con este proyecto.

Asimismo, el BDS también ha sido invitado a participar de la próxima Conferencia Anual de Round Square, en el Reino Unido. El propio Profesor Page se refiere a ese próximo viaje, que involucrará a directivos, docentes y dos alumnos delegados.

Following on, we have also been invited to attend Round Square’s Annual Conference at Wellington College, Berkshire, United Kingdom in October 2011. Here BDS will attend and learn more, first-hand, about how schools from around the world develop their programs. We will attend with two invited student representatives, Antonella Gazzani and Nicolás Rainuzzo (both S5S), and two staff members to further our application. This is truly an exciting project where we hope, in a relatively speaking short term, to make connections with other schools in the Americas and later schools around the world. The common belief is that there is much more in education than just preparation for university.

Are we ready for this opportunity? I hope so.  Antonella Gazzani and Nicolas Rainuzzo will be our ambassadors as we investigate more. I am sure they will do well, experience much, represent the school and their families admirably and upon their return share with their peers many aspects of this trip and I hope motivate younger students to want to get involved.

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