About BDS

About BDS

Letter from the School Board

Dear parents:

Welcome to Belgrano Day School. We hope this institutional site will help you get to know us and eventually decide whether our School is the right choice for your son or daughter.

Rooted in our centenary tradition, and with the demands of today’s globalized world, BDS offers a wide array of educational opportunities and proudly holds prominent academic, sporting and artistic achievements. Many Old Facrectean generations can account for these, both in Argentina and abroad.

Our institutional motto Fac Recte (act righteously in the game of life) synthesises the humanist philosophy that has inspired our school since John Ernes Green founded it in 1912. It refers to our institutional identity, consolidated during the management of Hugo and Bernardo Green.

Since the beginning of this century, already under my management, during the celebration of the centenary, we were glad to find that our founding values are still in force and immersed in a project dedicated to the radical transformation of education, based on three lines of action that make up our vision of a New Education for the XXI century:

  • Encourage the values of the person embodied in our traditions,
  • Strengthen the autonomy through the “learning to learn” abilities; and
  • Prepare our students to become lead actors in a transnational and virtual setting.

This vision of a comprehensive personal development ensures the fulfilment of the objectives proposed by external evaluations (nationals, like Aprender, and internationals, like PISA) and extends them by supporting the development of the personality, character and autonomy, achieved through the experiences and opportunities described in this document.

Looking forward to meeting you soon. Sincerely,




María Matilde Villanueva de Green

Member of the School Board