El Profesor Steven Page, en Cambridge
El 3rd Cambridge International Advisory Seminar tuvo lugar en esa ciudad del Reino Unido los días 9 y 10 de julio. El evento fue el resultado de una convocatoria de Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) a destacados Heads de todo el mundo. Algunos de los países representados fueron: Argentina, Uruguay, EEUU, España, Egipto, Emiratos Árabes, Pakistán, India, Sri Lanka, Tailandia, Singapur, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia y Nueva Zelanda.
Cambridge les consultó acerca de siete diferentes áreas temáticas y los participantes debían preparar ponencias de 20 minutos sobre alguno de los siguientes temas:
* Progression from the Primary Curriculum
* Good Practice in the Lower Secondary Curriculum
* Good Practice and Achievement in the Upper Secondary Curriculum
* The Wider Curriculum
* The Role of Parents and Managing Parent Expectations
* Teacher Training and Professional Development
* The Interface Between School and Higher Education
El Profesor Steven Page, Academic Coordinator and Director of Middle&Senior School del Belgrano Day School, sintetizó de esta manera su participación:
Hizo referencia a cómo se aplica el concepto de "wider curriculum" en el BDS, a través de docentes no sólo apasionados por su materia, sino también capaces de colaborar en el desarrollo integral de la persona del niño / adolescente. La estructura interna que hace esto posible involucra no sólo a los docentes de área; también incluye a los tutores, Jefes de Año y Psicopedagogas. "Learning skills, life skills and social work, health education and work experience all help in developing confidence and responsibility".
Destacó que lo que se aprende a través de las asignaturas es un amplio espectro de habilidades y destrezas que no se circunscriben únicamente a los contenidos en cuestión. El pensamiento crítico, la empatía, las capacidades de análisis y debate -- todo ello contribuye a cimentar la comprensión y el respeto por otras culturas, religiones y formas de vida diversas. Aprender de los propios errores, la tolerancia a la frustración y el trabajo cooperativo son aspectos fundamentales para un desarrollo integral.
En el BDS se implementan diferentes formas de expresión, en las que se vuelcan estos y otros valores: la música, el teatro, el debate y la tecnología que, junto con el deporte, coadyuvan en la formación del carácter.
"In BDS there are many ways of this expression: music, theatre, debate and the use of technology. Through sport insisting on Fair Play and the development of teams. By example where we adults attempt to be the role models that are frequently missing in the wider context. In assemblies we emphasize: what a school of nearly 100 years stands for, reaffirm personal values, highlight positive achievement, discuss rights AND responsibilities and investigate values that all societies should have.
Confident individuals and responsible citizens and contributors to society do not just come about by chance they have to be nurtured by society and/or in school…in most cases today it is the school's job!"
I chose "The Wider Curriculum" and along with a lady from Indonesia we delivered our presentations and then along with three other Heads we responded to questions from the rest of the group and interested Cambridge personnel.
I started with two quotes the first from Mr. B. Green. He frequently was heard to say, "The quality of the person is to be judged not only by his knowledge but by his/her moral integrity and values". This was followed by the story of a learned teacher who was once invited to give a talk at a prestigious university… he accepted with great pleasure. Before the conference, he was given a tour through the different sections of the building, and was thoroughly informed about the varied teaching materials and means the University used to educate its students. The teacher was amazed; such things did not exist in his time. When he rose to address the audience that filled the auditorium, he was as usual brief. He said: "Laboratories and libraries, machines, programs, modern systems, wise words, techniques and conferences; huge buildings…all this is useless without an honest, pure heart and an intelligent outlook." This is the Wider Curriculum.
How do we structure our schools, what do we seek? We look for successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens and contributors to society. The latter two are certainly concerned with the Wider Curriculum.
El Profesor Page durante su reciente visita a Cambridge, en el marco del 3rd International Advisory Seminar, organizado por CIE