International Debte Championship in Vancouver, Canada

0316_Debate Vancouver screenshot "On Tuesday we arrived in Vancouver and today we started the tournament after training all day  yesterday. Everything in the tournament is very moving, what with students from other countries, winning, losing, going into a case after case, etc. But what happened yesterday made worth not only the trip but also the process that started in December, with training and the preparation of cases. This is true, although this is the most "intense"/demanding part. Yesterday they told us to define in a word what we felt up to now and I said "surprise". Because even if I had expectations, they weren't as high as everything turned out until this moment. One tends to have a bigger impact and feel more moved the "first time" of everything, but this time it was very different. I feel that Vancouver was much more of an impact, "new" or enriching that Los Angeles (even if that was great as well). Maybe it is the dynamics of the team (we are 23 this time) or that in debate I see some things more clearly connected to what I expect of a good speech. Going to something more concrete, we arrived well to a very nice city (although we'll tour around after the tournament), between mountains and water. The tournament lasts six days. The first two days are dedicated to the classifying rounds of Spanish and French. The next two, the classifying rounds of English and the last two, to the quarter finals, semifinals and finals of the three sections. Alejo debates bilingual (Spanish and English), Mercedes in English and me, in Spanish. Today  was out first day and my team made up of Ezequiel (Colegio del Carmen, San Rafael), Juan Ignacio (Southern International School,  Quilmes) and me won the first debate against Mexico over the prepared motion of "This House supports bilingual education in countries with a significant minority linguistic group" (we were opposition). The second round we didn't debate because of something I don't understand about being odd numbers (apparently there will be a round to compensate). The third round we lost against Perú being proposition over the motion "This House sustains that overseas territories should integrate as regions of the countries they depend of". In the first case we got three points because there was only one judge and so it was "unanimous" ,and in the case of the overseas territories we got a point because it was a split decision between the three judges. So, in total we have four points. Tomorrow we debate three more times and when we finish the sixth round we will know  if we classify to the quarter finals. Today we had dinner at the Museum of Anthropology in the University of British Columbia campus and there was a show of a native tribe's music. It was interesting. Having said that, this has just started and there are many things still to happen." Lucas Reynoso, S6H
18 Mar 2016 | Comunicacion BDS

BDS’ Senior Debaters in Vancouver!

0316_Our Senior Debate Team arriving in Vancouver As announced by Headmaster Steven Page on first day's assembly, three BDS students, Alejo González Virgili, Mercedes Mariño and Lucas Reynoso, were chosen to form part of the National Debate Team to compete abroad. In the photo we see them about to fly to Vancouver, Canada, where the International Debate Championship is due to begin... Best of luck, debaters! We are proud of you!  

(Español) Round Square Conference in LA: March 17-18

(Español) [gallery link="file" ids="31802,31803,31800,31801,31804"] Informó anoche Florencia Marante:
"Con muchísimo entusiasmo y alegría fuimos recibidos hoy en Chadwick College por el comité de bienvenida integrado por alumnos. Para comenzar a conocerse entre los jóvenes, había una kermesse preparada donde los chicos pudieron disfrutar de varios juegos y empezar a hacerse amigos en un maravilloso entorno rodeado de montañas y una increíble vista de la ciudad de fondo. Después cada uno se encontró con la familia que los va a hospedar durante los próximos días. Mañana (por hoy) tendremos la apertura oficial de la Conferencia cuyo lema es "Shine among the stars". A todos los que nos leen, ¡gracias por estar ahí!"
¡Gracias a ustedes por compartir sus experiencias! And all the very best for the Conference. 

(Español) Round Square Conference in LA: update (16 March)

(Español) [gallery link="file" ids="31786,31787,31788"] Escribe Florencia Marante (Valores y Acción Social):
"Después de un largo viaje, pero donde todas las cosas se dieron bien, estamos ya instalados en Los Ángeles. La conferencia empieza mañana al mediodía, así que hoy pudimos conocer un poco los alrededores del hotel (Redondo Beach) y compartir un lindo tiempo juntos. Gracias a todos los que nos acompañan desde casa. ¡Los mantendremos informados de las novedades!"
Desde aquí, agradecemos las novedades y las fotos y les deseamos lo mejor en la Educational Conference. Enjoy, share, and learn!  
16 Mar 2016 | Comunicacion BDS

Welcome, new families!

(Español) BienvenidosComo ya hemos compartido, el sábado pasado se les dio una bienvenida festiva en el marco del Family Day. Pero, ¿quiénes son los nuevos alumnos que BDS recibe este año? En Kinder, ingresaron: Milo Francisco Cainelli, Josefina Canosa Velásquez, Ignacio Sarlenga, Santiago Francisco Manyafave, Galo Taiel López Elías, Lola Barrio, Ámbar Polcaro Roig, Santiago Manuel Bloj, Catalina González Carreño, Renzo Marzaroli, Maia Braberman, Lucía Giannini, Dongmin Thomas Chu, Magdalena Daniela Bogetti, Marina Laila Massuh, Sofía Suen Blanc Berardo, Marco Caveggia, Felicitas Caveggia, Lupe Simsiroglu, Pedro Baintrub, Martín Vivern, Emilia Landucci, Gregorio Basualdo Granda, Tomás Sánchez, Yago Uriel González Ortíz, Pedro Vinardell, Tiziana Bagnato, Ignacio Feler, Faustino Landaboure Vrillaud, Elliot Mallory, Sofía Euler, Valentina Aranda, Anna Guadalupe Arslanian, León Ascanio Magdalena, Lucas Bein, Cayetano Decoud, Santino Desimone, Camila Desimone, Franco Favelukes Alzugaray, Chiara Isabella Fregotte, Ling Yao Kong, Joaquina Lamelas, Sofía Mei Madariaga, María Agustina Oliveri, Agustín Luca Pardini, Tomás Rivas, Matías Nicolás Ruíz Díaz, Francisco Sáenz Plante, Joaquín Velarde Boedo, Isabel Villares, Lorenzo Díaz Arana, Ethan Máximo Lee, Maite Rigueiro, Julieta González, Luca Lombardi, Ana Simón Fernández, Donato Valentino Bossi, Bautista Bugallo Miqueas, Lautaro Carballo, Benicio Carballo,Dante Federico Caruso, Nour Chorbadjian, Milo Ferrari, Regina Sofía Grasso, Mateo Francisco Marchetti, Joaquín Martínez Uría, Pierre Mathe Luz, Santiago Ginés Mena, Benjamín Perroni Lizarraga, Antonio Torres Valentino, Luca Hoomani, Eliseo Truden, Tomás Truden, Felipe Thiago Bang, Sadiq Abbas Devjani, Luca Tiziano Fera Gómez, Knox Mestriner, Renata María Peisajovich,Pilar Rezzan, Ralph Otto Schluter, Balthazar Zain Lehideux, Mora Gamarra, Tomás De Liñan Quesada, Sofía Gianola Vázquez, Lisandro Dante Navarro Álvarez, Benjamín Nessi y Jerome Gaspar Walton Masters. En Primary, se han incorporado: Valentino Lionel Bang, Axl Mestriner, Carolina Alexis Centeno Perry, Ema Pérez Marc, Lola Santesteban, María Trinidad Vieyra, Heidi Ana Schluter, Iván Ignacio Gianola Vázquez, Lucía Tarelli, Augusto Tarelli, Valentino Matías Luis Macaya, Florencia Abril Bang, Luca Cogliano, Lucía Quarin, Tobías Vieyra, Malena Luján Poletto, Jazmín Érica Bang y Stefano Ribero. Por último, se han sumado a Middle & Senior: Daniela Cisneros Mazzola, Agustín Nicolás Poletto, Federico Szelubski, Alexander Agop Tokatlian, Camila Ianina Yoon, Damaris Alexandra Mingotti Tziavaras, Tomás Ignacio Poletto, Iván Cettolo,   Santiago Matías Súcari, Aldana Lucía Samudio Castillo y Sol María Saha. A todos ellos y a sus familias, gracias por elegirnos y bienvenidos.