Resultados destacados en exámenes internacionales
Las buenas noticias desde Cambirdge llegaron durante las vacaciones de verano y el Director de Middle & Senior y Coordinador Académico del Belgrano Day School, Prof. Steven Page, eligió compartirlas en el marco de la ceremonia de iniciación del nuevo ciclo lectivo.
La tabla que sigue refleja únicamente los resultados alcanzados en los exámenes correspondientes al International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), y pertenecen a alumnos que cursaban S4 y S5 en 2008. Los guarismos indican el porcentaje de aprobados con Grade C o superior, para cada materia listada a la izquierda:
Dijo el Prof. Page: "Overall 84 of the results were grade C and above while 29.1 were grade A and above. These results favourably compare with other important bilingual schools in Buenos Aires. Distinction at ICE (7 subject entries) was achieved in S4 by Alejandro Vacas and M. Belén Simonian, while in S5 the following students finished off their ICE: Daiana Safdiye, Lucas Menéndez and Victoria Sanguinetti.
Juan Pablo Djeredjian achieved Distinction at AICE (the Advanced International Certificate of Education) with two good A level results in Mathematics and History and two good A/S results in English Literature and Spanish...well done".
También fueron muy buenos los resultados alcanzados por los alumnos de M1, que rindieron los primeros exámenes correspondientes al Cambridge International Primary Programme. Al respecto, explica Mr. Page:
"In CIPP good results were achieved by the 64 students who took examinations for the first time in Mathematics and English. Thirteen pupils achieved top marks in both subjects, English and Mathematics, while 37 of the grades awarded were the highest grade.
Congratulations to those pupils and teachers in M1, S4, S5 and S6 for these good and encouraging results".
Desde aquí, nos sumamos también a las felicitaciones para los alumnos y sus docentes por tan destacados logros.