#English Middle & Senior School Blog

Forthcoming International Round Square Conference 2016

rsic-2016-switzerlandThis year’s Round Square Global Conference will be held at Aiglon College, Switzerland. Belgrano Day School’s delegation will be made up of Steven Page, Martín Alvarez (Pastoral Care) and the following students from S4: Nicole Kohan, María Jesús Lobo, Camila Rodríguez Cardín, Juan Ignacio Grosso and Alan Gutiérrez. After leaving Buenos Aires on 7 October we will then enjoy a day in Rome in the company of Padre Alejandro, who will be there on an official mission. On Sunday 9 October we will continue our journey to Geneva and then by train to Aigle. There then follows a full program sharing from schools around the world… an enriching experience for all. The conference runs until the morning of Friday 14 October when the group will start its return journey, arriving home via Amsterdam on the same day as our Middle and Senior Sports Day. Prof. Steven Page Headmaster & Rector 

Two BDS students at the World School’s Debating Championship

[gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="33815,33816,33817,33818,33819,33820,33821,33822"] This winter, Alejo Gonzalez Virgili (S6H) and Mercedes Mariño (S6L), represented Argentina at the 2016 World School’s Debating Championship (WSDC) in Stuttgart, Germany, and in the Prague Debate Spring (PDS) in Prague, Czech Republic. Teams from schools from more than 65 countries participated, and the Argentine team faced some seriously tough debaters from countries such as South Africa, Pakistan, Wales and Germany itself. Months of preparations prior to the competition were well worth it, as the Argentine Team was among the top 25 teams in WSDC and top 8 in PDS. Both Alejo and Mercedes have been attending Debate since Middle School and have been ranked amongst the best school debaters by the Argentine Debate Association. Congratulations on a great job to them, to their coach, Francisco Cobos, and to the other members of the Argentine Debating Team! Acorn Cup 2016 [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="33823,33824"] They have done it again! The BDS Junior and Senior Debate Teams  won their respective debates in the Octo-finals of the Acorn Interschool Cup hosted by Islands International School last Monday, August 29. Our Junior Team: Florencia Gadea (M3C),  Clara Palotta (M1C) and Manuela Sánchez de Coto (M1A) debated and won the motion "This House would break the law if it was to protect the rights of animals" on the proposition side, against Southern Cross School. Our Senior Team: Mercedes Mariño,  Alejo González Virgili and Lucas Reynoso debated and won the motion "This House supports a mandatory retirement age" on the opposition side, against St Nicholas’ School. This time, three students, and promising debaters, from M1 attended as members of the audience: Santiago Comes (M1D), Nacho Triaca (M1D) and Lucía López Farías (M1C). Well done, and congratulations to our teams and their coaches, Francisco Cobos and Marina Ceppi. María Gabriela Correa - Coordinator of Englis, Middle & Senior 
29 Aug 2016 | Comunicacion BDS


CrossroadsLast Friday 26 August S4 started the process of choosing orientations / specializations for 2017. Mr Page explained what was going to happen during the forthcoming weeks and offered tips as to how NOT to choose. On Monday  5 September there will be a meeting for S4 parents to go over the same information while at the same time departments and subjects will be giving information to pupils not only about new subjects but also the content of subjects that they already know. Finally in October/November, depending on Cambridge Examinations, each student will have an interview with Mr Page. As a result of the NES (Nueva Escuela Secundaria) our M3 students will also, for the first time, choose their orientation for S4 (2017). A meeting has been set for Wednesday 28 September for both pupils and parents at which details will be presented for 2017 through to 2019, their graduating year.
23 Aug 2016 | Comunicacion BDS

Cambridge News

(Español) CIEResultados de los exámenes de CIE de mayo y junio  Estuvieron disponibles el jueves 11 de agosto y, a primera hora, tanto los alumnos como sus docentes fueron informados de las notas obtenidas, en el marco de un assembly.  ¡Hubo satisfacción de ambos lados, ya que todos aprobaron! Forthcoming Mock Cambridge Exams El “simulacro” de exámenes se realizará la semana del 12 al 16 de septiembre. Los alumnos de Senior 4, 5 & 6 rendirán distintos “papers” de años anteriores de Mathematics, First Language English, First Language Spanish, Literature (English), History, Economics, Geography, ICT & Combined Science, tanto para IGCSE, como para AS/A Level. Por su parte, los de Middle 1 tendrán su “mock” de Cambridge Primary en Mathematics, English y Science. Todas las pruebas serán en el Auditorio del Colegio durante el horario de clases, sin suspensión de las actividades en el campo de deportes. Good luck to all.  

(Español) Pispeando Schoology…

(Español) Aprovechamos las vacaciones para difundir proyectos que los docentes comparten con sus pares a través de la plataforma Schoology, que funciona como Intranet además de albergar las aulas virtuales de BDS. Innovación, entrecruzamiento de lenguajes y disciplinas y mucha creatividad en acción. En Kinder, los Tigers cerraron su proyecto sobre el cuerpo humano jugando al doctor y transformaron la sala en the doctor's waiting room & office, según comparte Miss Ángeles Olivero Vila: [gallery link="file" ids="33420,33421,33422"] En Primary, entre las muchas actividades realizadas en torno al Bicentenario de la Independencia, la docente Sandra Cascón destacó la visita que los chicos de P4 hicieron a los de P2, para compartir con los más chicos todo lo que habían aprendido: [gallery link="file" ids="33423,33424,33425"] P5, por su parte, trabajó en IT en el armado de infografías. Comenta Fernanda Demirjian: "Les contamos su importacia y abordamos los distintos niveles de lectura, la cantidad de texto, el diseño, y, por supuesto, cómo alcanzar el efecto buscado: qué debe percibir rápidamente quien lo utilice como referencia". Va un anticipo (work in progress): 0716_ P5BInfografia_1_Rubio_y_Gutierrez En Middle & Senior, el Prof. Mariano Raffaelli (Lengua y Literatura castellana), compartió: "M2A sugiere recomendaciones literarias luego de su incursión por la biblioteca hace dos semanas". Aquí, algunas de sus recomendaciones: [gallery link="file" ids="33430,33431,33432,33433,33434,33435"] Y aquí, la anterior visita a BDS Library, que resultó de lo más inspiradora: [gallery link="file" ids="33436,33437,33438"] Por su parte, en Middle & Senior, la Prof Mati Battaglia (English / Current Affairs), comentó: "Les paso algunos de los videos realizados por los chicos de M3B y M3C en el marco de un proyecto sobre el cuento 'Sredni Vashtar', de Saki (H.H Munro). Los alumnos tenían libertad de elegir la manera de ilustrarlo (...) Hubo también uno, Tobías Pristupin, que programó con código un juego de preguntas y respuestas interactivo". Estos son solo un par: [embed]https://vimeo.com/176313524[/embed] [embed]https://vimeo.com/176313491[/embed] Seguiremos "pispeando Schoology" en los próximos días...

ESSARP Model United Nations

0616_The EMUN Post_Alex MyslerOn June  24th. and 25th.  the 6th. EMUN conference at St. Alban’s College came to an end after two days of intensive debating on various topics such as drug trafficking cartels, the media in the context of international security, temporary housing for refugees, international recruitment from terrorist organizations, human trafficking, rights of street children and measures to prevent global malnutrition amongst others. Our students represented Belgium, Ecuador and Estonia in the General Assembly, the Environment Commission, Human Rights Council, the Special Conference on Global Sharing and ECOSOC. Federico Mysler, Carolina Baglioni Burgos, Franco Panighini, Macarena Paulos Francisco, Pablo Pociecha, Mijal Canizzaro, Pietro Marotta, Camila Kim, Nicole Kohan,  from S4, and Daniela Riggio, Pilar Di Salvo, Camila Quintana, Julieta Perelman, Luz Mautner and Florencia Azambuja,  from S5, debated resolutions which were approved by the different commissions.  Pilar Di Salvo’s resolution on the issue of ‘Temporary Housing for Refugees’ was passed in the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Commission (GA3) of the General Assembly. Two of our students were student officers.  Valentina Cappa chaired the Human Rights Council and Ana Paula Velástegui chaired the Special Conference on Global Sharing. Their participation was crucial for the conference and they did an excellent job. On the other hand, Alex Mysler, an Old Facrectean (class of 2014) and current History student at the UBA, was the President of the General Assembly and gave a very enlightening speech on Global Sharing at the opening ceremony. He was also in charge of closing the Plenary of the General Assembly and the EMUN conference. The Emun Post was published and distributed during the event by the Press Team to keep the participants informed of the highlights of the conference. Mónica Bruck - Head of Humanities, Middle & Senior [gallery link="file" ids="33187,33188,33189,33190,33191,33192"]