#English Middle & Senior School Blog

(Español) ESSARP Creative Writing Competition


Uno de los pilares del área de English Language en BDS es la escritura creativa. En Middle & Senior, el estudio de la Literatura tiene como fin ahondar en el misterio de lo que significa ser humano; pero también estudiamos con cuidado el “cómo” de los grandes escritores. Así, se va despertando en los alumnos el deseo de contar sus historias de una manera más rica, precisa y bella. Cada uno a su modo, va encontrando sus propias palabras y formas, y muchos se van animando a mostrar su trabajo en las múltiples oportunidades que el colegio les ofrece.

Uno de esos desafíos es el ESSARP Creative Writing Competition, que se realiza en abril de cada año, y en el que participan candidatos de los colegios bilingües de CABA y Gran Buenos Aires. En solo dos horas, los alumnos deben escribir una historia completa, creativa, ¡y en inglés!

En los últimos días hemos recibido los resultados de la edición 2018, y con alegría compartimos con ustedes los premios y menciones recibidos por nuestros alumnos:

Malena Poletto - 2nd Prize, Junior Category

Giuliana Forgione - Honourable Mention, Junior Category

Santino Galuppo -  Honourable Mention, Intermediate Category

¡Felicitamos a los alumnos premiados! Y a todos aquellos que participan anualmente en este clásico encuentro. Y por supuesto, reconocer el gran trabajo de todos los docentes que les enseñan y los animan a escribir y a expresarse de este modo maravilloso. ¡Buen trabajo!

(Español) Diploma Dual con USA: nueva posibilidad de inscribirse para comenzar en 2018

(Español) Este será el sexto año del Programa en el BDS. Ya son más de 100 alumnos los que participan de esta iniciativa, que cuenta con 19 egresados. Academica International Studies, organización con la que el Colegio tiene convenio para el Diploma Dual, habilitó nuevos cupos para alumnos de M2 a S5 que quieran comenzar el Programa en 2018. Desde el lunes 26 de febrero hasta el jueves 1º de marzo inclusive, el BDS mantendrá abierto el período de inscripción extraordinario para el Programa “Diploma Dual” a cargo del área de Global Education. El ciclo ofrece la oportunidad de obtener el diploma oficial de High School de Estados Unidos para Middle & Senior. Para ello, los alumnos completan 6 créditos -de manera virtual y con pleno uso del idioma Inglés- correspondientes al nivel secundario de Estados Unidos. Las materias que integran este Programa son: dos niveles de inglés, US Government, US History & Economics y otros dos cursos optativos, entre los que figuran Concepts of Engineering and Technology, Criminology y Life Management Skills. Entrevistas a alumnos del Diploma Dual from Belgrano Day School on Vimeo. “Para nosotros, los principales beneficios del Programa son, en primera instancia, el desarrollo de la autonomía, que es una característica clave en el BDS, íntegramente relacionada con el `aprender a aprender`”, señaló Michelle Kort, coordinadora de Global Education, y destacó que también “se logra un aprendizaje en un ámbito cien por ciento virtual, con nuevos contenidos y con un uso pleno del inglés”. Ya próximos a iniciar un nuevo semestre, invitamos a los estudiantes y familias interesadas a contactarse con la oficina de Global Education (diplomadual@bdsnet.com.ar o 4781-6011 Int: 223) para iniciar el proceso de inscripción de nuevos alumnos.

The RS Junior Conference at Hackley, NY, in photos

Thank you, Miss Ceci, for your passionate work! RS ideals of Democracy, Internationalism, Environmentalism & Service reveal clearly in the photos! [gallery link="file" ids="36428,36459,36458,36429,36430,36431,36432,36433,36434,36435,36436,36437,36438,36439,36440,36441,36442,36443,36444,36445,36446,36460,36447,36448,36449,36450,36451,36452,36453,36454,36455,36456,36457"]

Modelo de Naciones Unidas 2017

Belgrano Day School will be participating in the ESSARP Model United Nations Conference (EMUN) as in previous years. The 2017 conference will take place at St. Catherine´s Moorlands School in Tortuguitas, on June 23rd and June 24th. Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation and/or academic competition in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. Participants in Model United Nations conferences, known as delegates, are placed in committees and assigned countries, where they represent members of that body. They are presented with their assignments in advance, along with a topic or topics that their committee will discuss. Delegates conduct research before conferences and formulate positions that they will then debate with their fellow delegates in the committee, staying true to the actual position of the member they represent. This year the school will be representing two countries: France and the Netherlands. The issues to be debated are the following:
  • GA1 International Security and Disarmament. Measures to increase transparency in the trade of armaments to and within regions of conflict.
  • GA3 Social, Humanitarian and Cultural. Measures to improve the question of religious freedom vs freedom of speech.
  • GA4 Special Political and Decolonization.The question of the restoration of the Cuban-American relations.
  • GA6 Legal. Ensuring transparency of investments in the arms trade.
  • Security Council. The situation in Syria and the question of South Sudan
  • ECOSOC. The question of the export of agricultural surplus by MEDCs to Africa and the unfair competition it causes on the national markets. Establishing gender equality with regards to equal pay.
  • Environment Commission (EC).The question of human overpopulation in areas of considerable biodiversity.Measures to combat plastic pollution in water.
  • Human Rights Council (HRC).  Improving measures to ensure the reintegration of child soldiers into the civil society. Developing cross-border cooperation for the assistance of migrants and asylum seekers.
  • Special Conference on Equality of Opportunities in a Developing World. Pursuing the elimination of all forms of discrimination in jurisdiction.Taking action against adult illiteracy.
  • Peace-building Commission. Measures to establish an international protocol for peace building in developing countries and former war zones.Promoting coordinated action between socio-economic policies and humanitarian action
Students from S4, S5 and S6 will be taking part, but as there is a limit to the number of students who can participate, we needed to implement a selection process. In two weeks’ time we will have the list of the participants. Mónica Bruck- Head of Humanities Department & MUN's Trainer  * Photo source: 

Los intercambios, en fotos

Belén Vasquez Rodríguez from Emma Willard, Albany, NY, USA and her visit to the Big Apple (Rockefeller Center): [gallery link="file" ids="35426,35427,35428"] Juan Cruz Comes, Lower Canada College, Montreal: [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="35429,35430"] Sofía Alegre, International Community School, Zurich, Switzerland: [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="35432,35433,35435,35434"] Juliana Crespin, Felsted School, UK... and a special international dinner: [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="35438,35440,35439,35437"] Pablo Pociecha (no doubt, a great reporter!) during his stay at Scotch College, Melbourne.  Adventures in Australia... and the official school uniform: [gallery link="file" ids="35448,35447,35446"]  

BDS students everywhere!

Felicitas Rodríguez Cáceres (Global Education) reports that Belén Vázquez has arrived at Emma Willard, Albany, NY, and shares a map that shows the spots around the world where BDS students are currently staying or about to arrive in, within the 2017 Exchange Program. Yesterday, Sofía Duboa flew to Colorado, and today Luciano Goldberg and Martina Colombini are departing to San Francisco. By the end of the southern hemisphere summer, 18 BDS students will have completed their exchanges in different cities within the US, Canada, UK, Switzerland and Australia. Thank you to the following Round Square member schools for kindly receiving them: We'll be away on holiday (and BDS will be closed) as of Monday 16 Jan, but look forward to sharing more info and photos with all the community when we're back in early February. All the very best for you, travelers, and please keep us posted! Live, learn, lough... and let all the community be part of it! The below photo shows student Juliana Crespin, currently at Felsted School, UK, with another traveling student (from the Anglo Colombian School in Bogotá, another Round Square member) kindly received by the hosting school Headmaster, Mr. Chris Townsend (the fourth person in the picture has not been identified -apologies!).