
Round Square Conference: Thursday, 8 October (last day in Singapore)

[gallery link="file" ids="30324,30325,30327,30328,30329,30330,30331,30332,30333,30334,30335,30336,30337,30338,30347"] This morning our delegates were handed over to us having spent their last night with their Singaporean hosts. They had been very well cared for throughout the six nights that they had been in the homes of students from UWCSEA. After returning to our hotel we did a little sight seeing, visited the Art and Science Museum and later wandered through the Botanical Gardens. Tomorrow sees us depart Singapore at 10.45pm (11.45am Argentina) and arrive in London on Saturday morning at 5am local time. What will this do to our body clocks? Steven Page - Headmaster & Rector Note: Also in the photogallery, the "Baraza Groups" -the intercultural discussion groups our students joined throughout the week and in which, as Mr. Page put it in an earlier post, friendships and alliances were welded. 

Round Square Singapore Conference: Wednesday 7 October

The last day of the conference started with a keynote address by Nidhi Kapur, a former student of UWCSEA who after graduating became a humanitarian aid worker. She has lived and worked in a number of trouble spots around the world and is presently based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, working on gender equality issues in this war torn country. Later baraza groups met for the last time. This proved to be an emotional moment as it would be the final work/discussion session from which, throughout the week, friendships and alliances had been welded. In the evening our delegates were one of three cultural presentations in which four students danced tango while being accompanied by piano and violin. It was very well received by an enthusiastic audience. Other presentations came from Kenya and the Middle East/S.E. Asia. After dinner delegates enjoyed a social/musical extravaganza! Some delegations are flying to their respective countries this evening and throughout the night. We shall stay tomorrow, Thursday in Singapore and begin our 40 hour journey home late on Friday night. Steven Page - Headmaster / Rector [gallery link="file" ids="30309,30310,30311,30312,30313"]

Round Square Singapore Conference: Tuesday 6 October

[gallery link="file" ids="30269,30271,30272,30273,30274,30270"] Today should have been service day for the WHOLE school and for the foreign delegates. Unfortunately a bad haze in the sky, caused by large scale tree burning in nearby Sumatra and a prevailing wind that brought the air contamination ever closer, made the school cancel their massive plans for the day. UWCSEA students therefore had classes while the delegates and lead pupils worked inside school helping Primary and Junior School pupils with their service projects. Others helped young handicapped children, who visit the school weekly, with physical education while Franco and Ignacio were busy with a group of elderly citizens talking and playing games. An omission from a previous report was that on Sunday afternoon Federico Johansen gave a service presentation to Round Square Heads and reps about our Germinare experience (Note: see slides). It was well received and a number of schools questioned Federico afterwards. His talk was one of four; the others coming from projects in China and India...well done Federico. NEW!  Below, the album of who our students have lived with these last few days i.e. host child, brothers/sisters, parents, plus the other foreign visitor/s. [gallery link="file" ids="30278,30279,30280,30281,30282,30283"]

Round Square Singapore Conference: new report (Monday 5 Oct)

[gallery link="file" ids="30260,30259,30258,30257,30256,30255,30254,30253,30252,30251"] The conference finally started on Friday when our delegates met with others at the Dover Campus of the UWCSEA...United World College of South East Asia. This is one of two school campuses run by the United World Colleges in Singapore, slightly bigger than the other with a capacity of 3000 students! Our delegates met with students from all over the world, participated in some activities and then took part in an informal gathering where dancing and singing groups welcomed us. Argentine music and dance played a part in this ceremony. At the end the delegates left with their host families...all six of our delegates in homes with at least one other foreign delegate. Saturday morning started with the official opening of the conference at which the Headmaster of UWCSEA and King Constantine of Greece welcomed all. Later there was a fascinating keynote lecture by given by Tim Jarvis (explorer and Antarctic adventurer who had followed the route taken by Ernest Shackleton when he unsuccessfully tried to cross the frozen continent but managed to save the lives of all his team). Our pupils then took part in a tree planting ceremony and Luz was BDS's representative at lunch with the King and Prince Alexander. In the afternoon "baraza" discussion groups saw the delegates, for the first time enter interactive groups with others from across the globe. Sunday morning began with a scintillating keynote address from Kavita Ramdas, an Indian lady committed to advancing women's rights in India and elsewhere. I suggest to all that one Googles her...a great opening speech for the day. There then followed more "baraza"* group discussions before an enjoyable a BBQ lunch and then for the pupil delegates a free afternoon with their host families. Today, Monday all delegates have enjoyed a "Discover Singapore" experience in which they have moved around the city on public transport enjoying the different areas of interest...a full and tiring day. We adults ended the day 63 floors up at the top of 1 Altitude, the highest building in Singapore...impressive! Steven Page - Headmaster & Rector *Note: "Baraza" is a Swahili word that means a deliberation meeting held by a collective group of a people; a public meeting held in order to discuss important matters affecting the community. (Sources: Baraza.org - Online dictionaries (Oxford,  The Free Dictionary).  
5 Oct 2015 | Comunicacion BDS

(Español) Primera Comunión: el Pan de Vida que sigue multiplicándose

(Español) [gallery link="file" ids="30238,30242,30241,30240,30239,30237,30236,30243,30235,30234,30233,30232,30231,30230,30229,30228,30227,30226,30225,30223,30222,30221,30220,30224"] Un total de setenta y cuatro alumnos de P4 recibieron su Primera Comunión el sábado 3 de octubre en la Catedral Primada de la Argentina. Fue una ceremonia sencillamente maravillosa celebrada por el Padre Alejandro Russo, Capellán de BDS y Rector de la Catedral, que estaba absolutamente colmada y donde se palpaba la emoción de chicos y grandes por igual. ¡Padres, abuelos, tíos, primos, hermanitos, catequistas, docentes...! Todos querían acompañar de cerca este momento trascendental en la vida de fe de nuestros chicos. La Sra. Matilde de Green fue la encargada de la primera lectura, del libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles y la Lic. Andrea Pelliccia, Primary Headmistress, de las peticiones en la Oración de los Fieles. Se leyó el Evangelio de la multiplicación de los panes y los peces y el Padre Alejandro destacó en su homilía el gesto del niño que le acerca a Jesús su pequeña ofrenda, con la que el Señor hace un enorme milagro. Y destacó que los chicos que tomaban su Primera Comunión son también hoy como pequeños panes que, al recibir al verdadero Pan de Vida, siguen multiplicando el milagro, ese gesto de infinita misericordia del Señor, que nos ama y entiende nuestras necesidades humanas y nos lleva más allá de nosotros mismos... Que Jesús, Pan de Vida, alimente hoy y siempre la vida de estos chicos y bendiga también a sus familiares y amigos.

(Español) Para ir agendando: Kermesse solidaria, viernes 6 de noviembre

(Español) 1015_Kermesse Tras el impresionante éxito de la edición 2014 -que permitió la construcción y el quipamiento de un aula completa en el Colegio Madre Teresa- vuelve la Kermesse solidaria BDS, nuevamente a beneficio del Madre Teresa y de otras causas enmarcadas en nuestro Proyecto BriDgeS, de Acción Social. Como el año pasado, las mamás de los distintos cursos ya están en plena organización de stands y juegos...   ¡Así que a tomar nota! Es una invitación para toda la familia, que nos llena de orgullo y alegría como comunidad educativa.