#Global Education & Innovation

26 Oct 2017 | Comunicacion BDS

(Español) Innovación: visita oficial

(Español) Agradecemos este informe al Lic. Federico Del Carpio, del área de Innovación de BDS. "El pasado martes 24 nos visitaron las Licenciadas Andrea del Valle Pereyra y Paulina Calderón, responsables del Programa de Innovación Educativa del Ministerio de Educación de la provincia de San Luis. Tienen a su cargo las escuelas autogestionadas públicas bilingües y digitales de la citada jurisdicción. Su interés estaba focalizado en la enseñanza del bilingüismo, ya que se encuentran en proceso de elaboración de documentos oficiales que le den un marco legal a las nuevas escuelas. Tuve el honor de recibirlas y mostrarles las instalaciones de nuestro Colegio; les hablé sobre nuestro modelo educativo y las acompañé durante la tarde en distintas reuniones que habíamos organizado. Tuvieron encuentros con Luz Cerini, directora de Kinder, y luego con Cecilia Echaburu, coordinadora de Inglés de Primary, quienes les contaron cómo se aborda la enseñanza del inglés en cada Sección. Finalmente, se reunieron con Michelle Kort, coordinadora de Global Education, quien les compartió información acerca de las oportunidades de intercambio que nuestros alumnos tienen gracias a Round Square, y acerca del Programa Diploma Dual. Ambas iniciativas, innovadoras por sí mismas, son una interesante muestra sobre cómo los alumnos, ya en el nivel medio, son capaces de usar todo el inglés aprendido a lo largo de su escolaridad en contextos reales, con personas con las que únicamente pueden comunicarse en esa lengua (lo que técnicamente llamamos "authentic language"). A su regreso, Andrea del Valle nos agradeció su visita: 'Nos hemos venido con muchísimas ideas, ganas y también preguntas e inquietudes para analizar cómo se está desarrollando el bilingüismo en nuestra provincia y cómo podemos avanzar en el camino del desarrollo y consolidación de nuestras propuestas. Nos sentimos muy bien por la hospitalidad y apertura manifestada tanto por Federico, como por la de Luz, Cecilia y Michelle... Mucha pasión y compromiso se vislumbra en ellas y eso es para destacar'”. Recordemos que BDS apadrinó a la 1ª Escuela Pública Digital y Bilingüe de San Luis -estuvo en su inauguración, realizó donaciones e implementó capacitaciones docentes- y  que tiempo atrás se firmó un acuerdo de cooperación con las autoridades educativas de la Provincia, que sigue dando frutos.
25 Oct 2017 | Comunicacion BDS

The Peace Crane Project … and more

It is impossible NOT TO SMILE when you watch the video received from a partner school in Poland. Thanks, Miss Sandra Cecchini, for sharing it! The project involves a lot more than using English, learning about other cultures and virtual meetings. It's collaboration and values at work. And it's putting into action the certainty that what unites human beings is much stronger than what divides them. Miss Sandra expresses: "I am very proud of my P6´s enthusiasm to plunge into this wonderful project (...) I felt especially proud when I saw Jola, the Polish teacher, show OUR PHRASE WALL to her pupils. That wall is very special because we have been building it since the beginning of the year. It is another `jewel´ of ours!" [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zH6l61Uk8I[/embed] And here's another international project, this time shared by teacher Miss Laura Giacomini: "P6D had a Mystery Skype session with Edgewood Middle school in Illinois, US. It was a lot of fun!" Check: [gallery link="file" columns="2" size="medium" ids="40923,40924"]
20 Oct 2017 | Comunicacion BDS

Global Ed at a glance…

On Monday 23 Oct BDS will be receiving Tao Yang, a student from Appleby College, Oakville, Canada (another Round Square Member school). She will be staying with us on exchange until 17 Nov (Host family: Belén Vásquez's, S5H). Tao is Chinese by birth -from Beijing- but has been living in Canada for some time now. Welcome, Tao! Did you know there is a very special relationship between BDS and the Chinese Embassy and community here in BA? And with Appleby, too, as well as with so many RS schools! Enjoy your stay and let us know your impressions!   

(Español) Arts Week: aprender de los más chicos. Y más videos en BDS TV

5 Oct 2017 | Comunicacion BDS

#RSIC 2017: the Conference comes to an end

Days 4&5 ...And so after 5 exhilarating days, earlier today the conference closed. There was much emotion, and some tears,as the delegates hugged lots and bade their farewells. The girls were very happy with their host families...a good experience for each of them. Yesterday they had walked in the hills/mountains around the school on the conference's "Adventure day". There were walks of different complexities, each delegate chose the one they wanted. Later they attended a disco/party in the school an event that we adults were kept away from leaving Bridge House teachers to look on. Now back in the city centre, we took a time out to reflect on the conference and what it meant to each one. What they would like to take back to Buenos Aires to make a difference, to innovate something in school. Later we again walked around the Waterfront tourist area where later we will enjoy our last meal together. In the morning we will rise at 3.30am to take a flight to Johannesburg and then on to Buenos Aires via Sao Paulo. We will arrive at 9.05pm, that is 22 hours after leaving our beds! See you on Monday! Steven Page, P.G.C.E - BDS Round Square Rep    In the pictures, some reflection in writing before leaving, and the beginning of the long trip back home. The girls look quite exhausted... and incredibly happy!  [gallery link="file" ids="40429,40428,40427,40426,40425,40424,40423,40422,40421,40420,40419,40418"]
4 Oct 2017 | Comunicacion BDS

#RSIC 2017, days 3 and 4

Tuesda3 October The day started with a thrilling talk from Jason Drew, who guided us, with examples through jobs in the future, those not yet invented. He gave examples of today like UBER and Airbnb but went on to describe his own business, as both a capitalist and environmentalist where he has the world's largest fly farm in South Africa as part of an initiative to produce sustainable feed for chicken and fish  He proved a great inspiration to the student delegates as he encouraged them to solve problems; those that the older generation have created as well new ones. Barazza discussion groups then followed and then later the rehearsal took place for the same evening’s cultural evening where schools may demonstrate something about their country. The girls danced a chacarera…a great success as Florencia sang and the other four girls danced. It was very well received by all. Wednesday 4 October We are all split up into different adventure groups as we explore the area around this lovely school on foot. There are seven walks of different degrees of difficulty. Later a farewell party/dance will take place for the delegates, while the adults will be taken out for dinner. Tomorrow will see the conference’s closing ceremony and then our departure to Cape Town in preparation for our early flight on Friday, that will see us leave at 6.10am and arrive in BA the same day at 9.05pm…tiring! Steven Page, P.G.C.E [gallery link="file" ids="40360,40361,40362,40363,40364,40365,40366,40367,40368,40369,40370,40371"]