#Global Education & Innovation

Round Square International Conference: Switzerland Update (Tuesday 11 Oct)

Sunday morning saw us fly to Geneva and then by train to Aigle, more or less and hour and a half away around the impressive Lake Geneva. In the afternoon, we registered and while the students went to their boarding houses, each one in a different one, Martín Álvarez (Pastoral Care) and I went to our hotel where me met up with Dr. Alberto Taquini (h), Chairman of the BDS Board. That evening there was the opening ceremony at which our flag bearer, Camila Rodríguez Cardin, represented BDS. The ceremony was lively with much music, videos and Swiss dancing all from Aiglon College students. The President of Round Square, King Constantine of Greece, opened the conference and then there were words from the Chairman of the association, the Headmaster of Aiglon College, and as a special guest, the Aga Khan. [gallery link="file" ids="34308,34309,34310"] The conference proper started on Monday morning, when after a period of meditation, Sir John Young "Jackie" Stewart , OBE, spoke to all the delegates. A three time World Grand Prix Motor Racing driver, he took us through his exploits on the track but focused on his dyslexia and how as a student he failed in school and yet his dyslexia had helped him as a driver and earlier as a crack rifle champion. He later started in Scotland a trust to help those with dyslexia and to train teachers. His children, similarly dyslexic, attended Aiglon College and led healthy and creative lives in the music and film industries. His grandchildren were now students at this beautiful school.  His was a remarkable message in which he brought to our attention the names of many famous people who likewise suffered the same. Today, Tuesday, we had the pleasure of listening to Meagan Fallone (Barefoot College) and Alessandra Morelli (UNHCR). Both were very provocative with their messages. Meagan outlined the work of Barefoot College and their empowerment of women in rural areas across the globe in the area of education, business, water resources, solar electricity and sustainable growth. It was a very strong and stimulating message. Alessandra talked about her work with refugees that spanned 25 years. She was determined and critical of the developed world, particularly Europe, as nations dilly-dally with the large numbers of refugees coming from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia and other parts of Africa. Nations must not hide behind a fear of terrorism when refugees simply look for a place to live in peace. She asked for all nations to show solidarity with the millions of displaced people. Two strong messages to start the day. In the afternoon we all separated for IDEALS day. Ignacio and Camila went to a "high ropes" course, Nicole and María Jesús went to the Chateau de Chillon, Alan went underground to a mine, while Martín and I went on an excruciating nature hike in the mountains! This evening all attended an ice hockey match. Steven Page - Headmaster & Rector [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="34311,34312,34313,34314,34315,34316,34317,34318"]
11 Oct 2016 | Comunicacion BDS

Docentes de BDS, expositoras

(Español) [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="34300,34301,34302,34303"] Todos los años, al llegar la primavera, la Asosiación Escuelas Lincoln organiza el encuentro LEC (Lincoln Educators' Conference) a lo largo de dos días. Este año, el tema fue: Re-Think.  Re-Ignite.  Re-Invent. Re-Imagine.  Re-Energize. Belgrano Day School no sólo participó de algunos Workshops, sino que también hubo cuatro presentadoras de nuestro staff, compartiendo tres proyectos que se realizan en nuestro Colegio:
  • Maria Florencia Conforti, P1 & P4 teacher, abordó el tema: "How can technology help us promote creativity in the classroom?"
  • Milú Christello, psicopedagoga (COr, Primary) presentó el taller "CREAmaker: divertido y colaborativo".
  • Por último, Vanina Campos, docente de P3, y María Fernanda Demirjian, Prof. de IT (Primary) presentaron "Matemix: juagando y aprendiendo Matemática mediante el uso de espacios."
La filosofía del "Aprender a aprender", propia de nuestro Modelo educativo, abona la teoría de que producir y compartir el conocimiento, lo afianza y profundiza. Felicitaciones a nuestro equipo por difundir buenas prácticas.  

RSIC: escala en Roma y llega a Suiza

(Español) El viernes despedíamos a nuestra delegación rumbo al Round Square International Conference 2016, pero en el fin de semana se sucedieron las noticias y las fotos, tanto sobre la escala realizada en Roma -donde los viajeros se encontraron con el Padre Alejandro- como sobre el arribo a destino. "Padre Alejandro organized an exclusive visit to the incredible Vatican Gardens in which our private Swiss Guard showed us things unseen by normal tourists. Fantastic...thank you Padre" - escribió Mr. Page. [gallery link="file" ids="34267,34268,34269,34270,34271,34272,34273,34274,34275"] Luego llegó la visita al emblemático Castel Sant'Angelo y a la Basílica de San Pedro: [gallery columns="2" ids="34278,34279,34280,34281,34282,34283,34284,34286,34287,34288"] ...Y, finalmente, la llegada a Suiza y el esplendor de los Alpes: [gallery link="file" ids="34291,34296,34295,34294,34293,34292"] Todavía falta lo mejor: el encuentro con estudiantes de todo el mundo y los valores y "ideals" a compartir, en el marco de este nuevo Educational Conference. Seguiremos informando.

Forthcoming International Round Square Conference 2016

rsic-2016-switzerlandThis year’s Round Square Global Conference will be held at Aiglon College, Switzerland. Belgrano Day School’s delegation will be made up of Steven Page, Martín Alvarez (Pastoral Care) and the following students from S4: Nicole Kohan, María Jesús Lobo, Camila Rodríguez Cardín, Juan Ignacio Grosso and Alan Gutiérrez. After leaving Buenos Aires on 7 October we will then enjoy a day in Rome in the company of Padre Alejandro, who will be there on an official mission. On Sunday 9 October we will continue our journey to Geneva and then by train to Aigle. There then follows a full program sharing from schools around the world… an enriching experience for all. The conference runs until the morning of Friday 14 October when the group will start its return journey, arriving home via Amsterdam on the same day as our Middle and Senior Sports Day. Prof. Steven Page Headmaster & Rector 

USA High School online Diploma:

(Español) dual-diploma_livesessionmilisse-copiarEl Programa que ofrece a nuestros alumnos secundarios cursar y rendir online algunas materias en inglés para obtener, junto con el título de Bachiller Bilingüe y las certificaciones de Cambridge, también el Diploma de un High School americano es todo un éxito. Este año alcanzó a 65 estudiantes de Middle & Senior, de los cuales los siguientes (de S6) recibirán este año su Diploma en el acto de Prize Giving de Senior: Paloma Holgado Pretell, Lucas Reynoso, María Eugenia Balassanian, Ana Paula Velástegui Núñez, Morgana Parravicini y Jerónimo Martini. Se espera la presencia de autoridades de la organización Academica para la ocasión. "Estamos abriendo la inscripción para el ciclo 2017 con una serie de charlas de presentación para alumnos y padres interesados" -comenta el Lic. Francisco Lehmann, Director de Innovation & Global Education, responsable del Programa en BDS. "El próximo lunes 3 habrá encuentros con los grupos de M1 a S4, de los que participará Andrés Calavia, Director of Global Students' Services de Academica". Además, algunos de los chicos que están terminando darán su testimonio". Francisco suele destacar que la experiencia de este tipo de aprendizaje -totalmente online y con tutores americanos nativos- es tan o más valiosa que el diploma en sí. Dicho sea de paso, esto es tan así que inclusive en P6 este año se ha realizado una expertiencia piloto con Academica, que proveyó la plataforma para que un grupo de chicos cursara Introduction to Critical Thinking (materia de Middle School en USA), en modalidad blended learning, por lo que Andrés Calavia también visitará Primary. Asimismo, el viernes 7 de octubre a las 8:30 en las nuevas dependencias de BDS Library tendrá lugar el encuentro de presentación del Programa para padres de alumnos que cursarán de M1 a S4 en 2017.  "Este año la inscripción cierra temprano: el miércoles 16 de noviembre, por lo cual es muy importante que las familias se vayan informando y tomen, junto con los chicos, la decisión a tiempo"- concluye el Director. El "Dual" es aprender a aprender en acción y entrena habilidades de autonomía y autorregulación, trabajo colaborativo, comunicación multimedia en tiempo real, etc. Las capturas de pantalla ilustran momentos de las live sessions de nuestros alumnos con Milisse, su tutora americana.