Día de la Tierra, estilo Primary

El viernes 22 se celebró esta efeméride con un assembly especial. Comparte Pía Córdova (Science), lo que leyeron los chicos de P4:

«Hoy celebramos a la Tierra con una actividad especial: los chicos de P4 recogimos durante una semana todo lo que, tras el recreo, quedaba en el suelo…  Luego dibujamos hermosos paisajes de nuestro planeta y convertimos todo en un collage-mensaje a nuestra comunidad. Los chicos redactaron carteles: ‘¿Esta es nuestra basura en el piso? ¿Quién habrá arrojado todo esto?’ ¡Estaría bueno tirar todo en su lugar! Nuestro planeta es hermoso y lo queremos limpio!»

Este es nuestro homenaje al planeta y, además, el inicio de la campaña de reciclaje 2016. Para junio, nos proponemos  dos metas:

  1. Que nadie en Primary arroje basura en el piso.
  2. ¡Que todos sepan arrojarla en el container correcto!

More about Earth Day
Earth Day has been celebrated since April 22, 1970. It’s a day to care about our planet and its environment, and to think about what we can do to help keep them healthy for the well being of life as a whole.

We should care for all living things, from the biggest to the smallest one, because all of them are connected! A lot has already been done for the health of our planet in the name of this day. Caring for Planet Earth is a never ending job and, because of our society’s current way of living, we have a lot to start with!

But What Can We Do?
Everything we do really matters!  Any little act will make a difference.  Here at school we have a very important job: separating garbage! If we follow the rules of garbage separation, we will be able to reduce the amount of garbage our school has and to aid recycling!

Today, April 22 2016, we announce the beginning of our annual Recycling Campaign.  There are two goals to be met by the 5th of June,  (Environment Day):

  1. Nobody in Primary should throw garbage on the floor.
  2. Everybody should know what garbage goes where (in which container), so as to discard it appropriately.

REDUCE: Reduce the amount of garbage!
REUSE: Reuse items as much as possible before you throw them away!
RECYCLE: Sort items properly to aid recycling!

Nuestro planeta es «la casa de todos». ¡Los espacios públicos también son nuestra responsabilidad! Colaboremos…

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