#Sitios / links recomendados

Bases de datos EBSCO y más novedades de la BDS Library

*EBSCO: un mundo de conocimientos, en un click* "Las nuevas bibliotecas, más que reservorios de libros, son prestadoras de servicios de provisión y selección de contenidos" -- nos explicaba Silvina Sala, bibliotecaria del Belgrano Day School cuando, el año pasado, anunciábamos una serie de transformaciones en el ámbito de la BDS Library. En esa línea, hoy nos complace anunciar que se encuentra disponible el acceso al material provisto por EBSCO Information Services, al cual se ha suscripto el BDS, por todo el año. EBSCO es un líder mundial en la provisión de acceso a la información contenida en miles de diarios, enciclopedias, publicaciones periódicas y científicas de todo tipo, libros de referencia, colecciones de mapas y una infinidad de materiales más, cuidadosamente catalogados y clasificados en bases de datos de fácil acceso. La suscripción permite ingresar a docentes, alumnos y padres al full-text de publicaciones tan prestigiosas como The Times, Sicence y un directorio completo de Journals de educación, por poner solo unos pocos ejemplos. Las bases provistas por EBSCO son mundialmente reconocidas y gozan de prestigio en el ámbito académico universitario. En nuestro país, las utilizan, por ejemplo, la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella y la UADE . Los contenidos fueron analizados por Jefes de Departamento y Coordinadores de Área que, bajo la supervisión de la Rectora, Lic. Silvia Thomas, comprobaron, además, la relevancia de distintos materiales, para la adecuada preparación de los exámenes internacionales que rinden nuestros alumnos. Por medios privados se están proveyendo los nombres de usuario y passwords, para comenzar a utilizar este excepcional servicio. Asimismo, la gente de EBSCO vendrá al colegio el próximo martes 24 de abril, para hacer una presentación a los Jefes de Departamento y los Coordinadores, resolver las dudas y dar indicaciones para optimizar las búsquedas. *Remodelación y más servicios online* Por otro lado, como se anunciara oportunamente, el ámbito de la Bilioteca fue ampliado y remodelado durante el verano. Se tiraron paredes intermedias, se cambiaron pisos y revestimientos y se redecoró, ampliándose los espacios de lectura. Las fotos ilustran cómo los chicos -- y sus docentes- están aprovechando ya las nuevas instalaciones. Además, les recordamos que está disponible el catálogo completo en su versión online. Desde el sitio web del colegio, y desde cualquier máquina con conexión a Internet, se puede acceder a toda la colección -- segmentada, con fines pedagógicos, por edad e idioma- realizar búsquedas bibliográficas y reservar títulos. Y algo muy importante, que señala Silvina: también se puede conocer el estado de los préstamos propios o, en el caso de los padres, los de su/s hijo/s, de manera de verificar hasta cuándo disponen de un título, si deben algún libro, etc. Por último, grandes y chicos pueden servirse, a la hora de navegar, de las recomendaciones y comentarios elaborados mensualmente por la propia Silvina y presentados en la nueva sección Sitios/ Links recomendados de nuestro website. Este mes, las recomendaciones tienen que ver con mapas y con fabulosos viajes... Y sí, desde la BDS Library y sus servicios digitales, el mundo es cada vez más pequeño...

Nuevos espacios de lectura, más terminales multimedia,tecnología WiFi, los nuevos libros del CIPP y ahora, las bases de EBSCO. La BDS Library crece en servicio y provisión de contenidos...

Sitios recomendados de abril

*Llegó la hora de los mapas...* Sí. Este mes se reseñan sitios que contienen mapas digitales, ideales para consultar en Geografía, Economía, Historia... o por el simple placer de "viajar". Como decíamos el mes pasado, confiamos en que estos aportes -- surgidos del trabajo de investigación de nuestra bibliotecaria, Lic. Silvina Sala- puedan ser también de interés para los padres que desean orientar a sus hijos, a la hora de navegar. Los siguientes sitios han sido seleccionados con un criterio de diversidad y amplitud en cuanto a tipos de mapas, perspectivas, experiencias de navegación, etc: MapQuest Ofrece mapas de todos los países del mundo, organizados por continente, con un nivel de detalle básico (orografía, relieve y principales ciudades). Proporciona, además, información fundamental acerca de cada país. Map Library, United Nations – The Map Collection houses over 80,000 maps, some 3,000 atlases, gazetteers, travel guides, cartographic and geographic reference works as well as digital cartographic products. Perry-Castañeda Library Map CollectionUniversity of Texas. An extensive library of downloadable maps. Includes country and regional maps, samples of avariety of projections, information on government map sources. MapMachineNational Geographic. Locate nearly any place on Earth, search and print historical, weather, and population maps, and more with a dynamic atlas. También, Xpeditions – National Geographic Maps made for printing and copying. About Geography. Maps and Geography of the World. Google Earth. Combina fotos satelitales, mapas y una base de datos muy completa. Estos elementos permiten al usuario navegar libremente por cualquier lugar de la Tierra, observar detalladamente todos sus territorios y desplegar sobre estos, de manera simultánea, basándose en datos y fotografías reales, diversos tipos de información geográfica (topográfica, hidrográfica, demográfica, histórica y cultural, entre otros). David Rumsey Map Collection. This collection has over 14,800 maps online. The collection focuses on rare 18th and 19th century North and South America maps and other cartographic materials. Historic maps of the World, Europe, Asia and Africa are also represented. Atlas de Historia UniversalJ. V. Vives. Colección de mapas históricos digitalizados del Atlas de Historia Universal - J. V. Vives. Incluye mapas estáticos comentados que van desde el Paleolítico superior hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Oddens Bookmark: The Fascinating World of Maps and Mapping. A vast directory of links to all sorts of map-related materials on the world-wide web En ediciones anteriores de nuestros Sitios recomendados, ver también: * Best Free International Statistics Reports Online * Best Free Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias Online Best Free International Statistics Reports Online: The World Factbook 2007 - The Central Intelligence Agency's annual World Fact Book provides a reliable resource for information on independent states, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, uninhabitable regions, and oceans. Each entry typically includes concise physical and demographic statistics, an economic overview, as well as communications, transportation, and military information. WDI - World Development Indicators 2006 - World Bank The publication is the World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. The 2006 WDI includes more than 900 indicators in over 80 tables organized in 6 sections: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links. WEO - World Economic Outlook 2006 - International Monetary Fund The publication presents the IMF staff's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level, in major country groups (classified by region, stage of development, etc.), and in many individual countries. It focuses on major economic policy issues as well as on the analysis of economic developments and prospects. OECD in Figures 2006-2007 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development The 2006-2007 edition of OECD in Figures contains key data on OECD countries, ranging from economic growth and employment to energy, trade and migration. 2007 Index of Economic Freedom - The Heritage Foundation & The Wall Street Journal The Index of Economic Freedom measures and ranks 161 countries across 10 specific freedoms, things like tax rates and property rights. Statistical Review of World Energy 2006 - BP The Review tells the story - and history - of world energy through the numbers behind the energy market headlines. GEO - Global Environment Outlook Year Book 2007- United Nations Environment Programme The 2007 Year Book includes global and regional overviews of significant developments over the past year. It highlights linkages among ecosystem health, human well-being, and economic development; examines new thinking on the value of ecosystem services and the threat from ecosystem degradation; and describes recent research findings and policy decisions that affect our awareness and response to global change. Best Free Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Online Diccionarios / Dictionaries Cambridge Dictionaries Online Cambridge offers their dictionaries online for free at this site – Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge Learner's Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary of American English, The Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, and The Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Simply type in the word then click on the dictionary in which you want to check the definition. Cambridge University Press, 2006 Collins Word Exchange Collins Word Exchange revolutionises the way words are collected and enter the dictionary - throwing open the doors of language research and recording to embrace words from anybody and everybody! At Collins Word Exchange not only can you search... the Collins English Dictionary, texting abbreviations, internet links and SCRABBLE® scores, access a wealth of advice on grammar and usage, and test your language skills, but you can also add your own words to the dictionary. Collins Merrian-Webster Online This searchable and browseable online dictionary and thesaurus for English are interconnected, offering audio pronunciation, etymologies, and occasional illustrations. Merrian-Webster Online also has free Premium access (alter viewing a brief ad) to electronic versions of their popular Collegiate series dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia; the Third New International Dictionary, Unabribged; French-English and Spanish-English dictionaries; an atlas; a style guide; and a medical dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster Inc. Ask Oxford The Oxford University Press’s reference website offers the opportunity to search their Compact Oxford English Dictionary, Little Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (2nd edition), along with expert advice on writing and solving gritty grammar problems. Oxford University Press, 2006 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online English dictionary, with photo illustrations, audio files of selected word pronunciations, example sentences, and lesson plans for teachers. 4th ed. Longman The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Over 90,000 entries feature 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes. 4th ed. New York: Bartleby.Com, 2000 Real Academia Española Permite acceder al texto completo de la última edición del Diccionario de la Lengua Española, 2001 - y también Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, 2005. Bajo el título Ortografía se puede descargar la obra Ortografía de la Lengua Española, 1999. Es el sitio de referencia de la lengua española. Madrid: Real Academia Española, 2006 Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française Permite acceder a la versión en desarrollo de la 9e éd. -1986. Fuente de consulta esencial de la lengua francesa. Paris: Académie française, 2006 Online Etymology Dictionary A free, fully searchable dictionary creating etymologies in alphabetical order, divided into smaller sections for manageable viewing. Contains a list of abbreviations to aid browsing of etymologies and links to other etymological resources. Douglas Harper, 2001 * Enciclopedias / Encyclopaedias Encyclopaedia Britannica Reference resource searchable by keyword, phrase, or question. A selection of atlases, year reviews, subject areas, and timelines are browseable, and access to full features is restricted to subscribers. Chicago: Britannica, 2006 Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia Spanish version Wikipedia: "la enciclopedia libre Wikipedia" is a free, web-based encyclopedia edited by its readers. Each of its over one million articles may be edited, corrected, or updated by anyone in the world. Readers are encouraged to correct spelling, fix grammatical errors, check the accuracy of information, translate articles into one of over 150 languages available on the site, and update biographical information. The site's aim is to "create a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge." Florida: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 2006 Columbia Encyclopedia Containing nearly 51,000 entries (marshalling six and one-half million words on a vast range of topics), and with more than 80,000 hypertext cross-references. 6th ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001–04 The Cambridge History of English and American Literature Considered the most important work of literary history and criticism ever published, the Cambridge History contains over 303 chapters and 11,000 pages, with essay topics ranging from poetry, fiction, drama and essays to history, theology and political writing. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York: Bartleby.com, 2000 BDS Library

Sitios recomendados de marzo

Aquí están los primeros sitios recomendados del ciclo 2007. La bibliotecaria, Silvina Sala, ha trabajado en la investigación y clasificación de material disponible en la web, a manera de apoyo bibliográfico para el trabajo de aula de las distintas asignaturas. Confiamos en que el aporte será también de utilidad para los padres, como una ayuda para "separar el trigo de la cizaña", dentro de la complejidad de la web. Así podrán beneficiarse en forma personal y también colaborar mejor con sus hijos en la realización de investigaciones u otras tareas académicas. Este mes, las recomendaciones nos traen Best Free International Statistics Reports Online: The World Factbook 2007 - Central Intelligence Agency The Central Intelligence Agency's annual World Fact Book provides a reliable resource for information on independent states, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, uninhabitable regions, and oceans. Each entry typically includes concise physical and demographic statistics, an economic overview, as well as communications, transportation, and military information. WDI - World Development Indicators 2006 - World Bank The publication is the World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. The 2006 WDI includes more than 900 indicators in over 80 tables organized in 6 sections: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links. WEO - World Economic Outlook 2006 - International Monetary Fund The publication presents the IMF staff's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level, in major country groups (classified by region, stage of development, etc.), and in many individual countries. It focuses on major economic policy issues as well as on the analysis of economic developments and prospects. OECD in Figures 2006-2007 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development The 2006-2007 edition of OECD in Figures contains key data on OECD countries, ranging from economic growth and employment to energy, trade and migration. 2007 Index of Economic Freedom - The Heritage Foundation & The Wall Street Journal The Index of Economic Freedom measures and ranks 161 countries across 10 specific freedoms, things like tax rates and property rights. Statistical Review of World Energy 2006 - BP The Review tells the story - and history - of world energy through the numbers behind the energy market headlines. GEO - Global Environment Outlook Year Book 2007- United Nations Environment Programme The 2007 Year Book includes global and regional overviews of significant developments over the past year. It highlights linkages among ecosystem health, human well-being, and economic development; examines new thinking on the value of ecosystem services and the threat from ecosystem degradation; and describes recent research findings and policy decisions that affect our awareness and response to global change. Otros sitios recomendados (anteriores): * Diccionarios / Enciclopedias online gratuitos * Diccionarios / Dictionaries Cambridge Dictionaries Online Cambridge offers their dictionaries online for free at this site – Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge Learner's Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary of American English, The Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, and The Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Simply type in the word then click on the dictionary in which you want to check the definition. Cambridge University Press, 2006 Collins Word Exchange Collins Word Exchange revolutionises the way words are collected and enter the dictionary - throwing open the doors of language research and recording to embrace words from anybody and everybody! At Collins Word Exchange not only can you search... the Collins English Dictionary, texting abbreviations, internet links and SCRABBLE® scores, access a wealth of advice on grammar and usage, and test your language skills, but you can also add your own words to the dictionary. Collins Merrian-Webster Online This searchable and browseable online dictionary and thesaurus for English are interconnected, offering audio pronunciation, etymologies, and occasional illustrations. Merrian-Webster Online also has free Premium access (alter viewing a brief ad) to electronic versions of their popular Collegiate series dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia; the Third New International Dictionary, Unabribged; French-English and Spanish-English dictionaries; an atlas; a style guide; and a medical dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster Inc. Ask Oxford The Oxford University Press’s reference website offers the opportunity to search their Compact Oxford English Dictionary, Little Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (2nd edition), along with expert advice on writing and solving gritty grammar problems. Oxford University Press, 2006 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online English dictionary, with photo illustrations, audio files of selected word pronunciations, example sentences, and lesson plans for teachers. 4th ed. Longman The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Over 90,000 entries feature 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes. 4th ed. New York: Bartleby.Com, 2000 Real Academia Española Permite acceder al texto completo de la última edición del Diccionario de la Lengua Española, 2001 - y también Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, 2005. Bajo el título Ortografía se puede descargar la obra Ortografía de la Lengua Española, 1999. Es el sitio de referencia de la lengua española. Madrid: Real Academia Española, 2006 Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française Permite acceder a la versión en desarrollo de la 9e éd. -1986. Fuente de consulta esencial de la lengua francesa. Paris: Académie française, 2006 Online Etymology Dictionary A free, fully searchable dictionary creating etymologies in alphabetical order, divided into smaller sections for manageable viewing. Contains a list of abbreviations to aid browsing of etymologies and links to other etymological resources. Douglas Harper, 2001 * Enciclopedias / Encyclopaedias Encyclopaedia Britannica Reference resource searchable by keyword, phrase, or question. A selection of atlases, year reviews, subject areas, and timelines are browseable, and access to full features is restricted to subscribers. Chicago: Britannica, 2006 Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia Spanish version Wikipedia: "la enciclopedia libre Wikipedia" is a free, web-based encyclopedia edited by its readers. Each of its over one million articles may be edited, corrected, or updated by anyone in the world. Readers are encouraged to correct spelling, fix grammatical errors, check the accuracy of information, translate articles into one of over 150 languages available on the site, and update biographical information. The site's aim is to "create a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge." Florida: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 2006 Columbia Encyclopedia Containing nearly 51,000 entries (marshalling six and one-half million words on a vast range of topics), and with more than 80,000 hypertext cross-references. 6th ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001–04 The Cambridge History of English and American Literature Considered the most important work of literary history and criticism ever published, the Cambridge History contains over 303 chapters and 11,000 pages, with essay topics ranging from poetry, fiction, drama and essays to history, theology and political writing. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York: Bartleby.com, 2000 BDS Library, Dec. 2006