Entrega de certificados de Cambridge
(English) The Primary Play Project
"In the context of the 2012 Primary Play Project and in accordance with the P6 Drama Planning, P6 pupils participated in the Acting and Singing try-outs developed during April. At the beginning of May the cast was announced and rehearsals started inmediately. Current activities include not only reading the lines and practising the scenes, but singing the songs with Miss Carina and learning the movements as well. The young actors also work on the script in their English, Art and IT classes (they are to design the posters and the programme) and even in the Social Studies area in Spanish, choosing the name for our adaptation of the original version (Mary Poppins) through a real democratic vote. The title is to be announced soon... Stay tuned! "
Muy pronto: High School Musical!
En el año del Centenario, el exitoso musical de Disney llega al BDS. Así comienza la historia:
On the front steps of East High, it's the first day after winter break (Wildcat Cheer). The Jocks, Brainiacs, Thespians and Skater Dudes find their cliques, recount their vacations, and look forward to the new year (Start of Something New). In Ms. Darbus' homeroom, basketball team captain Troy discovers that Gabriella, a girl he met singing karaoke on his ski trip, has just enrolled at East High. When he calls her, the eccentric drama teacher quickly confiscates all cell phones and assigns detention...
Con un elenco que sobrepasa el centenar de integrantes, dirección de Hernán Laperuta (exalumno y creador de The Time of Our Lives, su éxito más reciente) y dirección musical de la también Old Facrectean Carina Cristina, el play de Middle & Senior subirá a escena próximamente en el Auditorio. Este año, en virtud de lo extraordinario de la convocatoria, se realizarán seis funciones: 28, 29 y 30 de junio y 5, 6 y 7 de julio.
Las entradas estarán en venta para el público en general a partir del viernes 22 de junio, de lunes a viernes de 8.30 a 13hs en la Of. de Atención a Padres (Sra. Susana Anselmo, 1º piso del edificio de Administración). Valor: $60 (mayores y menores).
Agradecemos la información sobre el play a Marisú Barón (O.F. 1985), quien coordina el BDS Workshop, a cargo de la escenografía (ver abajo el "Wildcat" y fotos de los ensayos) y -en buena medida- de la producción. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]